Chris Loynd

Marketing Metamorphosis

Marketing Saves Cash Flow. Supporting Sales Force for Marketshare. Bank "owns" Milford Tale of Two Golf Tourneys Radio Spots for Bridgeport Harley-Davidson



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I believe in the power of ideas.
Create powerful, enduring, appropriate ideas that express an offer's essence.
Integrate these ideas into one or more pertinent media so they are delivered cleanly, clearly and sincerely.
Experienced in advertising, public relations, social media, corporate communications and more.

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More Sales
Bigger Market Share
Stronger Branding
Breakthrough, Memorable Originality
Radio Spots for Results

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Influential Samples

Backyard Gems

Where to ride or cruise
and what to see and do
in Connecticut, by Chris Loynd.

Click to see the book Cover and Table of Contents.

Polar Bear Blog
Riding motorcycles in winter
with the Polar Bear Club.

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